Birthday Flash Fundraiser for Taehyung: #RehabiliTae this December by Showing Care for Wild Animals Rescued from Illegal Trafficking in Bolivia

One in an ARMY
2 min readDec 24, 2022


2022 is almost over! It’s time for ARMY to celebrate V’s birthday by supporting an organization advocating for animal welfare & services. #RehabiliTae with One In An ARMY by supporting Comunidad Inti Wara Yassi, an organization that rescues and rehabilitates wild animals seized from illegal trafficking.

About Comunidad Inti Wara Yassi

Comunidad Inti Wara Yassi (CIWY) is a non-governmental organization from Bolivia that is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and care of wildlife that has fallen victim to illegal trafficking and other harm. As Bolivia’s leading animal rights organization, CIWY works to combat the illegal wildlife trade and the destruction of the environment and collaborates with the Bolivian government to enforce the law, seize and rescue animals from poachers and merchants, as well as zoos when conditions do not meet legal requirements.

CIWY also rehabilitates wild animals that were injured by fires or other disasters. The organization operates three wildlife sanctuaries distributed throughout Bolivia: Machía, Ambue Ari, and Jacj Cuisi. CIWY’s sanctuaries are managed by a team of professionals and volunteers from around the world. The organization’s name shows Bolivia’s ethnic diversity and its link with nature by using words from the indigenous languages of the three main ethnic Bolivian groups. “Inti” means “sun” in Quechua, “Wara” means “star” in Aymara, and “Yassi” means “moon” in Chiriguano-Guaraní. Putting these languages together symbolize unity.

How to Contribute to the Campaign

For a minimum of $1, you can create a huge, positive difference in the lives of wild animals. Through our birthday flash fundraiser for Taehyung, ARMYs from across the world can support CIWY in rehabilitating wild animals in Bolivia who are victims of illegal trafficking.

To support the cause and the organization, you can:

  • Donate:
  • Share the receipt via the Donation form:

Click here to learn more about the campaign!

We are completely aware that not everyone is able to contribute through a monetary donation. But your support, in any form, is significant to our campaign. You can retweet our SNS posts to help increase the reach and visibility of the org amongst your followers.

You can also find us on social media: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookTumblr, Reddit, and Amino.



One in an ARMY

A BTS fan collective that focuses on charity based campaigns & projects. Like Artist, like Fan. I am ONE in an ARMY, & Together we can make a difference.